Monday, April 19, 2010

Quilt Free-- Fiber Free-- Upholstery Foam Free DESIGN

One of the things that make Pure LatexBLISS mattresses most unique is that we do not quilt the top of the mattress, use fiber, or use upholstery foams.

Our design maximizes the benefit of Natural Talalay Latex Rubber in two ways.

First, Natural Talalay Latex Rubber is an incredibly healthy component for a mattress. All by itself, it is

- Naturally Breathable which dissipates body heat

- Mold and Mildew Proof which can provide an allergen free environment

- Dust Mite Resistant which can prevent runny noses, nasal congestion or asthma attacks caused by dust mite manifestation

- Antibacterial and Antifungal which may reduce the spread of bacteria

- Naturally HypoAllergenic because it does not produce toxic off-gases

- Extremely resilient and durable


This is the MOST IMPORTANT POINT; when Natural Talalay Latex Rubber is used at the very top of the mattress surface, all of these benefits are real for the sleeper. The reason why we call our brand “Pure” is because we don’t dilute the benefits of the latex. Traditionally, mattresses have put latex under quilting, under fiber, and sometimes under foam. This takes away much, if not all, of the benefits of Natural Latex Rubber. That means even though these beds may have latex in them, when the latex is under other materials, they aren’t breathable , aren’t mold and Mildew Proof, aren’t Dust Mite Resistant , aren’t antibacterial and antifungal, aren’t Hypoallergenic or as durable.

Our quilt free, fiber free, upholstery foam free DESIGN maximizes the natural benefits of latex and brings the benefits of latex to life. Traditionally designed latex mattresses minimize or eliminate the benefits of latex.

Secondly, Natural Talalay Latex Rubber has an amazing feel. Latex feels like no other material in a mattress. It is both supportive and pressure relieving. Again, the moment traditional mattress designs quilt the surface of the bed, use fiber in the surface of the mattress or use foam in the upholstery, the feel of Latex is lost. Think about it, Latex is the most expensive ingredient you can have in a mattress. Why do you want to put one of the least expensive ingredients, like fiber, on top of it? That would be like putting ketchup over steak.

1 comment:

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