Friday, May 21, 2010

Latex: Bouncy or Buoyant?

Old school: Land line.
New school: Cell Phone.

Old school: Snail Mail.
New school: Email/Text.

Old school: Latex is bouncy
New school: Latex is buoyant

One of the greatest lessons we learned when we introduced Pure LatexBLISS in Europe was that we redefined the “feel” of Latex overnight.

Before we introduced Pure LatexBLISS, if you asked anyone, anywhere in the world what latex “felt” like compared to other foam beds, they would tell you three things,
1. Latex was the most expensive material in a mattress
2. Latex was a natural material instead of a petro-chemical
3. Latex was a “bouncy” feel

All of these things were true because of the way Latex beds have been built and what they were built with.

For over fifty years, most Latex Beds were made to provide great support but did not add pressure relief layers on top of that. Literally, the mattresses were 6-8” high and had little or no pressure relief layers on top. A Latex bed with only a support layer tends to be quite bouncy.

For over fifty years, many Latex Beds were made with Dunlop process Latex which is firm by it’s very nature. The “line” process is not conducive to making pressure relief levels of Latex. Dunlop process Latex tends to be quite bouncy.

For over fifty years, even Talalay Latex Beds were made with constructions that used only firm ILDs of Latex and a limited number of layers in the design. Using firm ILDs and one or two layers in the mattress design tends to be a quite bouncy feel.

For over fifty years, practically every Latex Bed available anywhere in the world was built with a quilted panel on top of the mattress hiding the true experience of Latex. If a Latex bed has a quilted top panel, it tends to feel quite “bouncy.”

Introduce Pure LatexBLISS. Bouncy is Gone. Buoyant is in.

We build a support layer and a pressure relief layer into all beds. The pressure relief layer is important to your body and your sleep, but it also makes the bed more comfortable. We use Natural Talalay Latex Rubber in every bed with the exception of one (Peace). We use multiple layers of Latex with different ILDs in every model and we never quilt the top of mattress because it takes away an amazing latex feel and is not as healthy for you to sleep on.

The result: When we ask customers and retail sales associates what our beds feel like, these are the words they use:


A whole new Latex World.

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